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In “Innovate with iPad: Lessons to Transform Learning in the Classroom” primary teachers Karen Lirenman and Kristen Wideen provide a complete selection of clearly laid out engaging open-ended lessons to change the way you use iPad in the classroom.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Using Wall Wisher on The iPads

I am so excited about what we did today using the iPads! My students and I use a lot of sticky notes everyday.  I mean A LOT!  My students always have a sticky note or two when I'm reading a book to write down questions, write a word down they don't understand or an interesting fact that they learned.  I also use them for making predictions, brainstorming and tickets out the door.  The sticky notes were getting out of control...

Using QR Codes With Grade 1 Students

We have been using QR codes in our math stations for quite some time.  I have always used QR math stations that were already made.  If you want to try QR codes in the classroom, try Just type in QR codes and some will pop up that you can download.  You will need a device to scan the codes with.  We use the free Qrafter QR code reader app for the iPad.  My grade 1 students love when I hide the...