Friday, April 10, 2015

Geometry iPad Activities

As I am wrapping up my geometry unit, I wanted to share some of my favourite activities I created for my kids to show their thinking.  When I told them that we were starting a new unit next week they were upset because they had so much fun learning and showing their thinking during this unit.  I hope you can find some of the following activities useful and fun!
Upload this task card here.

Download here
Here is an example of one of my student's riddles:

Download the task card here
If you would like to see more student examples, check out our Padlet below:

Created with Padlet

If you are interested in more activities, download my free iTunesU course on 3D Geometry here.


  1. These are great ideas! My students just started using iPads in the classroom back in April this year. Thanks for sharing! Love your blog too. 😄

  2. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing! We are 1:1 this year and I am always eager to find ways to use technology!
